
Managing Your Property Migration Process

Sell House after Relocation or Emigration

So you’ve decided to relocate. People relocate for many different reasons. Maybe you are ready to start a new job and need to relocate for work. Perhaps, you are relocating to that island where you’ve always wanted to live or you could be relocating to be closer to family. Whatever the reason, owning a house could hold you back from financing your new home.

If you are in the process of relocating, you might not have the time to organize all those viewings and negotiations. You have to get all of your personal belongings shipped, prepare your new home, and arrange all of the details needed to start your new life. There is so much for you to do, so adding in the sale of a home makes it even more difficult.

The trial of selling a home while trying to relocate is one that many know all too well. Our client Sarah had just married her fiancé from Canada and she and her daughter were planning to relocate to be with him in his country. Sarah did not like the idea of leaving her home empty because she had a mortgage on her house, and she knew that she could not deal with a tenancy while she was thousands of miles away. She decided to sell her house before she relocated. She listed the house on the market hoping it would sell very quickly. Time passed and her husband had to go back to Canada for his job. Sarah stayed, hoping to sell the house soon.

The second reason to opt for a quick cash sale might be more appropriate when some of the heirs need the money more desperately than others. Selling an inherited property through a traditional estate agent can take several months, even up to a year! A house listed on the market will have to be discounted several times before it is sold. Then, when the property is eventually sold, you will have to pay for the estate agent’s fees and any mortgage payments outstanding. Finally, a good reason to opt for a quick cash sale is to avoid vandalism. Remember what happened to abandoned properties in your childhood’s neighborhood? Chances are a lot of local kids vandalized those properties. You are just selling an inherited property; you don’t want to also deal with vandals.

How Can We Help?

Furthermore, if you are not in a hurry to sell, but you want to stop paying your mortgage each month, we can lease your property from you and take over the mortgage payments. We will take full care of your property and you will be free of all responsibility and can move on with your life. In return, you will grant us the option to buy your home sometimes in the future, at the price agreed upon at the time of leasing. This way we can buy your house even if you have little to no equity in it. We want to help you sell your property quickly so that you can get on with your life. We help people get fair prices for their homes and eliminate the stress of the entire selling process.